Analysis of the regulations for SMEs

In order to raise the awareness of small and medium-sized enterprises about regulations, the Ministry of Economy has implemented a project “Technical support for development of a tool to support SMEs to deal with regulatory regimes”, funded by the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) of the European Commission. А study of regulatory regimes, which are particularly complex for SMEs to implement, has been conducted. Under the project, there have been identified more than 120 administrative regimes, which are used mostly by SMEs, as well as regimes, which are complex to understand or apply by small businesses. The regimes are presented both in Bulgarian and in English language. They are incorporated on the official internet page of the Ministry of Economy as a “A Guide for SMEs” theme.

As a result of the project implementation, there has been prepared a detailed report, which includes a description of the conducted studies, a summary and a ranking of the legal documents according to their complexity for SMEs, in-depth interviews with outlined key issues in implementing the respective regime, primary information from surveys with SMEs, etc. The report is available here.

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