Updated last 26.03.2021
What is electronic awarding?
Electronic awarding is the awarding of public procurement, carried out by electronic means, using the generally accessible centralized electronic public procurement platform. The European Directives (Directive 2014/24/EU and Directive 2014/25/EU) in the public procurement area require the mandatory incorporation in the national legislation of the option for electronic submission of offers (bids), introduction of fully electronic communication in the award process and online tools for awarding the public procurement. The Public Procurement Act (article 39a) regulates the possibility for public procurement award, including through dynamic purchases system, framework agreement and qualification system, as well as at holding competitions for a project through the centralized electronic platform.
What are the benefits of using the electronic platform?
The National Electronic Award Platform – Centralized Automated Information System “Electronic Public Procurement” encompasses all stages from the process of awarding all types of public procurement procedures. The platform is mandatory used for preparation of decisions, announcements, calls for proposals and invitations to certain parties; publishing of the documents under article 36, paragraph 1, sending invitations, requests and providing explanations, submission of applications for participation, offers and tender projects and designs, serving the contracting authorities’ decisions in the cases the law provides for, exchange of information and documents in relation to review of applications for participation, proposals and tender projects. The contracting authorities and the economic subjects may also use the platform for planning, selections of applicants or participants, evaluation of proposals, contract’s conclusion, preparation and submission of contractual orders, submission and acceptance of electronic invoices, preparation and sending of electronic claims and in other cases in accordance with the options it provides. The centralized electronic platform’s goal is to render easier and modernize the public procurement award procedure. The system is publicly accessible and operationally compatible with the mostly spread market products of the information and communication technologies for wide use. In each and any case of information transmission, exchange and storage it guarantees protection of the data integrity and of the confidentiality of the documents for participation in the procedure until the moment of their opening and consideration, which is after the expiration of the term for the receipt thereof.
When has electronic awarding become compulsory?
The compulsory use of the electronic platform was implemented in stages. First, since 01 November 2019 the application of the national electronic platform has been compulsory for opening the procedures and until the receipt and opening of the electronic applications for participation and the offers (bids). Also compulsory was the electronic communication in the course of awarding the procurement.
All the functions of the platform are accessible and compulsory, starting from 01 January 2021. Since then the platform provides the opportunity for electronic evaluation of the offers, signing contracts, connections to the electronic payment systems, maintaining „Buyer's profile“ of the individual contracting authorities, etc.
For more information | |
Up-to-date information regarding the platform and the trainings and test procedures performed, can be found on the website of the: |