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2162 Issuance of import-licenses and monitoring documents for import into the European Community of certain steel products, textiles and other products
Department: Registration, Licensing and Control
2162 Issuance of import-licenses and monitoring documents for import into the European Community of certain steel products, textiles and other products
2197 Issuance of a global identifier of the manufacturers of vehicles (VIN-code)
Department: Registration, Licensing and Control
2197 Issuance of a global identifier of the manufacturers of vehicles (VIN-code)
2271 Issuance of licenses for the manufacture of optical discs and their stampers
Department: Registration, Licensing and Control
2271 Issuance of licenses for the manufacture of optical discs and their stampers
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Ministry of Economy and Industry
8, Slavyanska Str., Sofia 1052, Bulgaria
BULSTAT: 177549105
phone: +359 2 940 7322

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Operational Programme This item is available only in Bulgarian
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