Changes in the structure
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Amendments to the articles of association
Here you can find more information about the procedure for the amendment of the articles of association...
Company share transfer
Here you can find more information about what is a company share and how are company`s shares transferred...
Replacing the general manager
Here you can find more information about the role of the general manager and how the company`s general manager could be replaced...
Acceptance of a new shareholder/expulsion of a shareholder
In this section you can find the following information: How are new shareholders admitted? How are the shareholders expulsed? ...
Transformation of the company by changing its legal form
Here you can learn more about transformation of the company through changes in its legal form and preparation of a transformation plan...
Transfer of an enterprise
Here you can learn how an enterprise could be transferred...
Transformation procedure (merger, consolidation, division, spin-off)
In this section you can find the following information: What is transformation through merger, consolidation, division, spin-off? What are the rules, applicable to the transfer through merger, conso...
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